Jazz is one of the best cellular company in Pakistan. The Mobilink Jazz has recently introduced the latest international calling rates to any country of the world. Mobilink also offers Rs. 5 per SMS to any country in the world. Now you can make reasonable international calls from your Jazz number to any landline or mobile number from Jazz sim with low call rates.
I inspected all calling rates by different cellular companies in Pakistan and I found that the Internation calling rates of Jazz are lower than any other cellular company in Pakistan.
In the following tables, you may check the calling rates to any foreigner landline or mobile network. Jazz is struggling to connect you with your overseas relative with cheap Internation calling rates.
No Activation code is required for international calling rates from Jazz number. You also don't need to dial any specific code before dialing any international number from your jazz number. The following charges for the international calls are only for Jazz Prepaid customers.
Jazz International Calling Rates
Country | Landline | Mobile |
Abkhazia | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Afghanistan | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Albania | 19.06 | 48.94 |
Algeria | 19.06 | 42.96 |
American Samoa | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Andorra | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Angola | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Anguilla | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Antigua And Barbuda | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Argentina | 11.89 | 35.79 |
Armenia | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Aruba | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Australia | 2.93 | 11.89 |
Austria | 2.93 | 19.06 |
Azerbaijan | 23.84 | 35.79 |
Bahamas | 42.96 | 42.96 |
Bahrain | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Bangladesh | 9.50 | 9.50 |
Barbados | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Belarus | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Belgium | 2.93 | 19.06 |
Belize | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Benin | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Bermuda | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Bhutan | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Bolivia | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Bosnia | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Botswana | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Brazil | 23.84 | 35.79 |
British Virgin | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Brunei Darussalam | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Bulgaria | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Burkina Faso | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Burundi | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Cambodia | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Cameroon | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Canada | 2.27 | 2.27 |
Cape Verde | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Cayman Islands | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Central African Rep | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Chad | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Chile | 23.84 | 23.84 |
China | 2.93 | 2.93 |
Christmas Island | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Cocos Island | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Colombia | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Comoros | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Congo | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Cook Islands | 118.25 | 118.25 |
Costa Rica | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Croatia | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Cuba | 178.00 | 178.00 |
Cyprus | 2.93 | 11.89 |
Czech Rep | 2.93 | 19.06 |
Dem. People’s Rep. Of Korea | 118.25 | 118.25 |
Denmark | 2.93 | 11.89 |
Diego Garcia | 237.75 | 237.75 |
Djibouti | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Dominica | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Dominican Republic | 35.79 | 35.79 |
DRC (Congo) | 178.00 | 59.69 |
East Timor | 178.00 | 178.00 |
Ecuador | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Egypt | 19.06 | 19.06 |
El Salvador | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Equatorial Guinea | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Eritrea | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Estonia | 11.89 | 82.40 |
Ethiopia | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Falkland Islands | 237.75 | 237.75 |
Faroe Islands | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Fiji | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Finland | 19.06 | 19.06 |
France | 2.93 | 11.89 |
Gabon | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Gambia | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Georgia | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Germany | 2.93 | 19.06 |
Ghana | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Gibraltar | 23.84 | 82.40 |
Greece | 2.93 | 7.11 |
Greenland | 178.00 | 178.00 |
Guadeloupe | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Guam | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Guatemala | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Guinea | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Guyana | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Haiti | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Honduras | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Hong Kong | 2.93 | 2.93 |
Hungary | 2.93 | 19.06 |
Iceland | 23.84 | 23.84 |
India | 2.27 | 2.27 |
Indonesia | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Iran | 9.50 | 9.50 |
Iraq | 23.84 | 29.82 |
Ireland | 2.93 | 19.06 |
Israel | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Italy | 2.27 | 16.67 |
Ivory Coast | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Jamaica | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Japan | 7.11 | 19.06 |
Jordan | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Kazakhstan | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Kenya | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Korea | 7.11 | 7.11 |
Kuwait | 9.50 | 9.50 |
Kyrgyzstan | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Lao P.D.R. | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Latvia | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Lebanon | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Lesotho | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Liberia | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Libya | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Liechtenstein | 59.69 | 118.25 |
Lithuania | 19.06 | 42.96 |
Luxembourg | 11.89 | 35.79 |
Macau | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Macedonia | 35.79 | 82.40 |
Madagascar | 118.25 | 118.25 |
Malawi | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Malaysia | 7.11 | 7.11 |
Maldives | 118.25 | 118.25 |
Mali | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Malta | 23.84 | 42.96 |
Marshall Islands | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Martinique | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Mauritania | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Mauritius | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Mayotte | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Mexico | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Micronesia | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Moldova | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Monaco | 19.06 | 82.40 |
Mongolia | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Montenegro | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Morocco | 11.89 | 59.69 |
Mozambique | 19.06 | 35.79 |
Myanmar | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Namibia | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Nauru | 178.00 | 178.00 |
Nepal | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Netherlands | 2.93 | 29.82 |
New Caledonia | 29.82 | 29.82 |
New Zealand | 2.93 | 11.89 |
Nicaragua | 42.96 | 42.96 |
Niger | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Nigeria | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Norway | 2.93 | 11.89 |
Oman | 16.67 | 29.82 |
Palau | 118.25 | 118.25 |
Palestine | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Panama | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Papua New Guinea | 118.25 | 118.25 |
Paraguay | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Peru | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Philippines | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Poland | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Portugal | 2.93 | 11.89 |
Puerto Rico | 11.89 | 11.89 |
Qatar | 19.06 | 23.84 |
Reunion | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Romania | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Russia | 11.89 | 23.84 |
Rwanda | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Saint Helena | 237.75 | 237.75 |
Saint Kitts And Nevis | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Saint Lucia | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Saint Martin | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Saint Pierre And Miquelon | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Saint Vincent And Grenadines | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Samoa | 82.40 | 82.40 |
San Marino | 23.84 | 48.94 |
Saudi Arabia | 6.57 / 30 sec | 6.57 / 30 sec |
Senegal | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Serbia | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Seychelles | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Sierra Leone | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Singapore | 2.93 | 2.93 |
Slovakia | 19.06 | 35.79 |
Slovenia | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Solomon | 178.00 | 178.00 |
Somalia | 82.40 | 82.40 |
South Africa | 9.50 | 9.50 |
South Sudan | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Spain | 2.93 | 16.67 |
Sri Lanka | 16.67 | 16.67 |
Sudan | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Suriname | 42.96 | 42.96 |
Swaziland | 42.96 | 42.96 |
Sweden | 2.93 | 7.11 |
Switzerland | 2.93 | 42.96 |
Syria | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Taiwan | 7.11 | 11.89 |
Tajikistan | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Tanzania | 42.96 | 42.96 |
Thailand | 2.93 | 7.11 |
Togo | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Tokelau | 178.00 | 178.00 |
Tonga | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Trinidad And Tobago | 35.79 | 35.79 |
Tunisia | 82.40 | 82.40 |
Turkey | 11.89 | 19.06 |
Turkey Northern Cyprus | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Turkmenistan | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Turks And Caicos Island | 48.94 | 48.94 |
Tuvalu | 118.25 | 118.25 |
UAE | 14.28 | 14.28 |
Uganda | 48.94 | 48.94 |
UK | 2.27 | 16.67 |
Ukraine | 29.82 | 29.82 |
Uruguay | 11.89 | 29.82 |
USA | 2.27 | 2.27 |
Uzbekistan | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Venezuela | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Vietnam | 19.06 | 19.06 |
Yemen | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Zambia | 23.84 | 23.84 |
Zimbabwe | 59.69 | 59.69 |
Jazz Premium Calling Destination with Rates
Destination | Premium Services (tax included) |
Aeromobile Satellitare | 954.75 |
Albania Audiotext | 237.75 |
Antartica Audiotext | 512.60 |
Australia Audiotext | 512.60 |
Australian Ext. Territories | 512.60 |
Austria Audiotext | 82.40 |
Belarus Audiotext | 178.00 |
Belgium Audiotext | 19.06 |
Bosnia Herzegovina Audiotext | 835.25 |
Cameroon Audiotext | 178.00 |
Canada Independents | 11.89 |
Canada Yukon And New Territ | 35.79 |
Central African Rep Audiotext | 178.00 |
Chile Audiotext | 237.75 |
Chile Easter Island | 237.75 |
Comoros Audiotext | 178.00 |
Czech Rep. Audiotext | 512.60 |
Czech Rep. Mobile | 512.60 |
Dem.Rep. Of The Congo Audiotext | 178.00 |
Ellipso Satellite | 835.25 |
Emsat | 835.25 |
Estonia Audiotext | 178.00 |
Finland Audiotext | 118.25 |
France Audiotext | 48.94 |
France Globalstar Mobile | 48.94 |
French Guiana | 35.79 |
French Polynesia | 48.94 |
Germany Audiotext | 82.40 |
Global Networks Antarctica | 512.60 |
Global Networks Antarctica Audiotext | 512.60 |
Globalstar Satellite | 512.60 |
Globalstar Satellite Elsac Audiotext | 512.60 |
Gmss Network | 835.25 |
Grenada Carricou | 48.94 |
Ico Global Network Satellite | 954.75 |
Inmarsat | 1792.50 |
Inmarsat Aero Worldwide | 1792.50 |
Inmarsat B Gan Hsd Worldwide | 1792.50 |
Inmarsat B Hsd Worldwide | 1792.50 |
Inmarsat B Worldwide | 512.60 |
Inmarsat Gan Hsd Worldwide | 954.75 |
Inmarsat M Worldwide | 512.60 |
Inmarsat Mini M Worldwide | 512.60 |
International Freephone | 2.27 |
Ireland Audiotext | 19.06 |
Iridium Page | 954.75 |
Iridium Voice | 954.75 |
Italy Mobile Noverca | 118.25 |
Italy Intermatica Mobile | 118.25 |
Italy Mobile | 118.25 |
Italy Noverca Mobile From H3G | 118.25 |
Italy Noverca Mobile From Tim | 118.25 |
Italy Noverca Mobile From Vo | 118.25 |
Italy Noverca Mobile From Wi | 118.25 |
Italy Rfi Mobile | 118.25 |
Ivory Coast Audiotext | 178.00 |
Japan Audiotext | 19.06 |
Kiribati | 237.75 |
Kyrgyzstan (Mob) Global Star | 178.00 |
Latvia Audiotext | 178.00 |
Liechtenstein Audiotext | 118.25 |
Lithuania Fix Others | 178.00 |
Lithuania Audiotext | 178.00 |
Maldives Audiotext | 118.25 |
Maritime Comm Partner Satellit | 512.60 |
Moldova Switchward Services | 118.25 |
Montserrat | 59.69 |
Morocco Premium Services Globalstar North Africa | 59.69 |
Netherlands Antilles | 29.82 |
Niger Audiotext | 178.00 |
Niue Island | 178.00 |
Norfolk Island | 512.60 |
Norway Audiotext | 35.79 |
Onair Satellite | 512.60 |
Oration Phonegroup | 835.25 |
Peru Rural | 82.40 |
Poland Audiotext | 11.89 |
Portugal Audiotext | 11.89 |
Reunion | 35.79 |
Romania Audiotext | 19.06 |
Russia Globaltel Satellite | 237.75 |
Russia Iridium | 237.75 |
Russia, Mobile Satellite Networks Oms | 237.75 |
Saipan (Marianes) | 11.89 |
San Marino Audiotext | 178.00 |
Sao Tome And Principe | 178.00 |
Seanet Satellite | 512.60 |
Seychelles Audiotext | 237.75 |
Shared Country Code | 1792.50 |
Sierra Leone Audiotext | 82.40 |
Spain Audiotext | 178.00 |
Sweden Audiotext | 7.11 |
Sweden Paging | 7.11 |
Thuraya | 237.75 |
Turkey Audiotext | 82.40 |
UAE Audiotext | 35.79 |
United Kingdom Audiotext | 178.00 |
United Kingdom Local Rate | 178.00 |
United Kingdom National Rate | 42.96 |
United States | 42.96 |
United States Alaska | 7.11 |
United States Audiotext | 42.96 |
United States Freephone | 7.11 |
United States Hawaii | 7.11 |
United States Virgin Islands | 7.11 |
Upt Phonegroup | 835.25 |
Vanuatu | 82.40 |
Venezuela Audiotext | 178.00 |
Voxbone Un | 19.06 |
Wallis And Futuna | 118.25 |
Ascension | 237.75 |
Terms and Conditions
- All prices are Inclusive of Taxes
- Mobilink Can Change this offer any time
- Other terms and conditions apply
- Call Setup charges of Rs 0.12 (inclusive of tax) will apply
- Other regional/provincial based taxes and charges apply.
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